For thousands of years yoga has been a tool to help opening one’s mind, body and breathing. The basis of yoga is the overcoming of oneself and one’s limits. It also has a psychosomatic approach through the discovery of ourselves and can be creatively adapted to current needs in life. Practising yoga makes you more powerful and helps you solve physical and psychological problems.
Thinking is calmer and anxiety flies away from your daily life. This is achieved through special breathing and meditation taught in yoga. Breathing is the fuel of life, a bridge uniting body and mind, working autonomously and unconsciously controlled.
Non-traumatic and non-violent exercises have a positive effect on the heart, the circulatory, respiratory, the endocrine, digestive and musculoskeletal systems. They allow flexibility , muscle strengthening and balance. Combined with meditation, which undoubtedly shields off daily anxiety, they constitute an excellent way of preventive medicine.
Yoga class is made out of strength, flexibility, balance and finally breathing exercises, thus helping the body and mind to relax and achieve the utmost level of tranquillity. It is recommended for persons struggling against stress, long working hours as well as for athletes seeking to increase their flexibility and even for pregnant women.