When do you need a Personal Trainer?
When you feel that your current training does not bring any results
When you have specific needs caused by myoskeletic traumas
When a chronic disease requires monitoring (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, scoliosis, lordosis and other chronic diseases)
If you’re pregnant or have recently given birth
When you wish to optimize your performance in preparation to a specific event
When you don’t have enough time to visit a gym and work out at home
What are the benefits of Personal Training?
Increase of cardiovascular endurance with the most appropriate and safe programming.
Reducing the probability of heart disease (cholesterol regulation, blood pressure reduction, regulates diabetes etc.)
Improves muscle flexibility and increases balance
Specialized programs for treatment of osteoporosis
Exercises for back problems (lumbago rehabilitation etc.)
Abs strengthening
Reduces Stress
Loss of fat
Based on the needs and problems faced by each individual, the Personal Trainer guides to the most appropriate program.
Why do I need a personal trainer?
A good Personal Trainer understands, observes and advises you in all matters regarding your health! Advice is given for a healthier lifestyle through the right physical exercise and nutrition, keeping away from alcohol and properly setting your times of resting and relaxing (how to avoid or reduce the impact of stressful activities of daily life).
The Personal Trainer wins the trust of his client and a friendly relationship finds its way in the daily training, observation of each and every one of the persons involved.
Personal Training is not just about having someone next to you in the gym, its having a personalized approach to your own training in order to achieve personalized targets.